Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Kicking Against The Goads

A goad is a sharp stick used to guide sheep, goats, cows, etc.  I guess it was the forerunner of the cattle prod.  My life has been full of goads against which I have kicked and fussed.  For example, I have high blood pressure and take medicine that keeps it well under control.  However, when this was first diagnosed, I said, "No" to the medicine and "I'll take care of this myself with diet and exercise."  My Physician said it wasn't going to work because my body parts were getting too old.  I didn't want to accept that so I dieted and jogged.  I lost weight and felt better than I had in years.  When I would check my blood pressure, it was still too high.  My Physician, who was a friend, kept goading me to take the medicine.  During one check-up, my blood test also revealed that my cholesterol was too high.  Once again, my Physician said, "Take the medicine."  He repeated the line that my body parts were getting old and this is what frequently happens.  Nevertheless, I kept kicking against the goad or the reality for which I didn't want to accept and adjust.  I finally gave in and began taking the medicine.  It was hurting me to kick against the goad or the reality of my situation.  The book of ACTS reports Paul sharing the Lord said to him at his conversion, "I hurts you to kick against the goads" (Acts 26:14.)  I think kicking against reality only hurts the one who is doing the kicking.  It also helps me to know that even St. Paul kicked against the goads.

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