Sunday, April 17, 2022

Separation of Church and State

I believe in the separation of Church and State. Unnecessary influence is not good for either. As I celebrate First Fruits, Jesus’ Resurrection or Easter I read the scriptures. It is obvious to any unbiased reader of any of the gospels that Jesus was condemned by a combination of both the religious leaders and the government. Pride of authority can easily destroy the quiet and relational leading of God’s Spirit. Hence, my fear of unnecessary relationship or influence between government and church. I am angered when a Church leader, even at the present time in Russia, endorses the military action of his government. I am frustrated when government leaders successfully legislate their religious ideas with the assistance of selected Church leaders. As a recovering Baptist, I know that my religious ancestors came to this country to get away of ‘State Religion.’ I fear that we may be moving closer toward an inappropriate relationship between church and State.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Go Slower, Cover Less Ground

“Go slow, cover less ground.” This is reported to be a quote from Thomas Merton, although I can’t find the reference source. Thomas Merton, or Father Louis as he was known at the Abbey of Gethsemane where he lived, was a Cistercian Monk. His writings were known for their social engagement as well as spiritual formation. I frequently go to the Abbey of Gethsemane for retreats and spiritual conversation. I often wonder where he would say about today’s issues of abortion, gun control, and homosexuality. I am alarmed by the government and Church leaders hurry to deny legitimate abortions, minimize gun controls as well as the rights of homosexuality and transgendered folks. It also bothers me that the government and Church leaders seem to be older, conservative, white and male. For honesty’s sake, “Yes, I am an older, white male.” These characteristics do not represent the make-up of USA citizens. We are a much more diverse population. I wish we had voces of folks like Thomas Merton today, perhaps if we did, we would proceed slower and, in my opinion make wiser decisions.