Sunday, February 25, 2024

Those 8 "Passions"

I will be vigilant about my “passions or energies” (later named the ‘deadly sins’— “wrongly” I think, but that is for a blog). Those passions, energies or shall we name them “demons” or “gods” (note the lack of a capital letter) are (1) gluttony (wanting more than I need), (2) lust (desiring others for my pleasure or benefit), (3) greed (thinking about scarcity or I may not have enough), (4) sadness (focusing on what I did not get or have), (5) anger (frustration with not getting what I want), (6) acedia (boredom; restlessness; jumping to the newest, most exciting, things, etc.), (7) vainglory (thinking too highly of myself), and (8) pride (taking credit for what others and God have done). The purpose of these energies is (1st) to blind me to their presence and (2nd) to infect me in such a manner as to diminish and eventually destroy my joy, peace, and contentment. My desire is to be aware that these energies/demons are always nearby. They will never go away or be completely extinguished because they are a part of who I am; therefore, I want to be alert and sensitive to all of them. I will set strong and appropriate boundaries with all of them. (“Thanks”, Evagrius [345-399]. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) called these “sins of the spirit” which, he said, are more dangerous than sins of the flesh).

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Gates

Psalm 24:7-10 says “Lift up your gates and let the Lord come in.” I know this Psalm was meant for the city of Jerusalem. Open the gates of the city and let the Lord come in to reign. We do not have any gates around the city where I live. I do wonder as I meditate on this Psalm what are the “gates” that I have put down that keep the Lord out of my life? Pride is surely such a gate as is vain glory. I too often think too much of myself, my ideas, and plans, etc. Control is such a gate. Control begins in childhood, “I can do it myself so leave me alone!” I fear that has been my attitude about many things, “Lord, I will take over now.” Usually, this spirit can be diagnosed when I make my plans and then ask for the Lord’s blessing. That spirit is not a teaching in the scriptures. I have a friend who refers to the “911 God.” I will call on You, Lord, when there is trouble. I think there are many “gates” in our lives, attitudes, behaviors, etc. which keep the Lord outside. Psalm 24 is correct, we need to lift those gates and ask that the Lord come in.