Sunday, June 27, 2010

I've been to a meeting

I've been to Charlotte, NC for the 2010 meeting of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The small extrovert part of me was thrilled and excited. The larger introverted portion of me is exhausted. It was a good time. I especially enjoy these meetings as I meet new acquaintances, see friends and renew former friendships. The highlight for me, as always, is to see so many of our friends who live and serve as missionaries. Their hugs and conversations are worth the expense of the meeting. I'm always drawn to and energized by the music in these meetings. Most of the sermons, speeches, lectures, etc. are okay and a few are inspiring. It took me many years as a pastor before I honestly realized that I wasn't the star on Sunday mornings. God/Jesus/Holy Spirit was the star and he/she/they were more likely to show up in the 'water fountain' conversations than my well-planned and delivered sermon. It wasn't that my preaching and teaching were unimportant; they never were the main thing. I'm glad that I went for the meeting.

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