Sunday, July 24, 2016

Pray As You Go

I'm not a person who has made much use of devotional literature.  My limited knowledge and experience with technology means that I haven't used any devotional items on any of my devices.  However, I'm now making use of Pray-As-You-Go on my cell phone.  Whenever I mention this to one of my friends, they look at me with that 'deer in the headlights look' and say, "You?"  Yes, me.  I was introduced to this apt by a friend who is doing excellent work through the twelve step-program.  He is making wonderful progress away from an unhealthy issue and toward a very healthy life.  I am pleased with the progress that he has made and will continue to make.  When I asked him about the various helps he has received, he made reference to this internet devotional apt.  I checked it out and have been hooked.  It is an Jesuit contemplation of scripture along with excellent music.  A Jesuit contemplation will ask questions that stir up your imagination and lead you into prayer, rather than tell you what you are to practice, believe, do, pray, etc.  For one who hasn't done much with devotional material, I recommend Pray-As-You-Go if you are looking for a daily devotion guide. 

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