Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Soft Brain

A friends of mine keeps saying that her brain is going soft.  I hadn't heard that expression so I asked what she meant.  She said that her job wasn't challenging her anymore.  She wasn't having to think critically or creatively.  She wasn't being mentally challenged.  Things had become routine and she was going through the motions.  That's what she meant by "My mind is going soft."  I suspect that many of us are going soft mentally.  We find a comfortable place where we cease from the tension and struggle of critical and creative thinking.  We let others, even the media, do our thinking for us and the result is that our brains go soft.  Our goal or task is not a soft mind but a discerning mind which does the more difficult work of "testing the spirits" (I John 4:1) and "taking every thought captive...." (II Corinthians 10:5b.) 

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