Sunday, July 1, 2012

Legalized self-interest takes a hit

This week the Supreme Court, by a surprise majority, upheld the major tenants of "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."  This is a wonderful name for a piece of legislation which has unfortunately been labeled, Obamacare.  I'm very pleased with the Supreme Court's decision.  Like many citizens, I've been displeased with all of the stalemating happening in our legislative branches of government. While reading Trevor Hudson's book, Signposts of Spirituality and I saw the small phrase "legalized self interest."  As soon as I saw that phrase I thought that describes many situations but certainly my critique of present-day government.  The leaders in government are working hard to take care of themselves and their supporters and that is legalized self-interest.  I'm grateful that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed the Supreme Court assessment.  With the new law, my health care sysstem will probably change and I may have to pay a higher premimun.  Nevertheless, it is good because it is a law based on morality rather than self interest.  In my judgement based on the teachings of Jesus, quality health care for all the citizens of our nation is a moral issue.  Legalized self-interest has taken a hit.

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