Saturday, May 7, 2016


Reality has a way of not letting you forget that it is present.  This past Tuesday we had a check-up visit with Bobby's neurologist.  Bobby has been seizure free for almost two years so the visit was a celebration.  Then reality came back to visit on Friday as Bobby had three seizure in the afternoon/evening plus one during the night.  I've several clients who don't like their reality and will go to great extremes to deny, avoid, rationalize and/or blame someone else for their situation.  Most of these folks are what my Granny would call "whiners."  Whiners were not tolerated well in my family and whining got me no sympathy. My Dad would say, "When you are finished whining, you let me know so we can figure out what we're going to do."  Sometimes reality shows up due to some physical issue, such as Bobby's epilepsy.  Sometimes reality shows up due to someone else's decision(s), the consequences of which are mine or ours to handle, such as when the Counseling Center's Board changed the client fee structure. Sometimes reality shows up because of a decision that I made.  For example, there are often times that I schedule too many clients in one day and, then I often remark to my colleagues, "What idiot did this to me?"   Yes, I make my own appointments.  Often we didn't get our wish, so we have to deal with the reality that is ours.

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