Sunday, August 24, 2014


The situation in Ferguson, Missouri, has been on my mind.  I'm a white, middle class, educated, clergy, American, etc.  By my nature I have biases and prejudices, some of which I'm aware but most of which I'm not consciously aware.  Nevertheless, I am sensitive about racial prejudices.  It was early 1960's when Judy, myself and several friends drove out to Glorieta, New Mexico for Student Week.  One of those friends was an Afro/American who was the Baptist Student Union President at Oklahoma City University.  We had heard of a steak house in Amarillo, Texas.  Since that was on our way, we decided to stop there and eat. We were met at the front door by a man who told us that our friend could not come in.  The rest of us could come into the restaurant but he would need to eat behind the restaurant.  None of us entered the restaurant. I can't recall our conversations as we left.  I do remember that I was shocked, confused and angry.  I had heard about racial prejudice but I had never personally observed it.  That was the first time that I can remember.  Since that experience and with years of education and spiritual direction/counseling, I recognize that I have my own prejudices with which the Lord and I need constantly to be working to heal.  So, when I see in the news about Ferguson, hear some comments about President Obama, read about the situation in the middle east and so many other situations. I think about the reality of prejudice that lies within all of us.

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