Monday, December 23, 2013

He rules the world with truth and grace

One of the favorite Christmas hymns is "Joy To The World."  This marvelous hymn was written by Isaac Watts (1674-1748.)  One of the lines is "He rules the world with truth and grace."  Watts believed that God rules with truthfulness and graciousness.  I agree.  Those first century people didn't recognize Jesus/God as any type of ruler because they were expecting something else.  Perhaps they were looking for a political King, a military leader, a financial wizard, a theological teacher, a miracle worker or something other than a helpless infant who grew up to be a wandering teacher with a small following.  I suspect people today don't recognize Jesus/God anymore than those in that first century.  Perhaps, it is because we are like those first century folks who expect something more from God than ruling the world (and our lives) with only truth and grace. 

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