Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Neighborhood Announcer

Bobby, my brother who is mentally handicapped, loves to sit on our front porch. Out on the front porch, he is like the neighborhood announcer with a running commentary describing everything that is happening. Since he is hard-of-hearing, he also talks rather loudly. For example, he may say, "She is coming out of the house wearing blue jeans. She is getting into the car." Or it may be, "That man's big black dog is wetting on the fire hydrant." Etc., etc. you get the picture. We have a neighbor who has a drinking problem. He is single and has lived near us for 30+ years. When he is drinking, he is very friendly, comes to visit and always asks to borrow $2. Bobby describes him as, "The drunk man who wants money." Yesterday afternoon, Bobby announced to the neighborhood, "Richard, Richard, the drunk man is coming to our house to borrow money." The truth is--he was drunk, he came to the house and he asked to borrow $2. Our neighborhood is a lively place with Bobby as the front-porch announcer.

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