Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Search for a National Standard

Much of our political debate seems to revolve around discerning a standard for which we seek.  As a Christian I seek my standard from the Bible.  I suspect that I'd be labeled as a fiscally conservative.  I believe that if you don't have the money, then don't make the purchase, with the exception of a house.  If a credit card is used, then pay all of it off at the end of the month, otherwise don't make the purchase.  This requires some self-discipline.  I believe that self-discipline is the basis of all other disciplines.  I try to live simply.  If I purchase a new shirt, I give a shirt away via Goodwill, Salvation Army, clothing banks, etc.  I have more than enough clothes so I try not to add to my closet, just replace when necessary.  I'm also one who thinks a nation will be judged by GOD in terms of how it treats the poor.  I suspect that I'd be labeled as a social liberal.  I can't ignore this because there are too many verses and sections of the scriptures that speak to this.  For example, Proverbs 29:7, "The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern."  I really want to be included among the righteous.  I read Ezekiel 22:23-31 in light of our political and religious systems and think, "O my, we're in trouble."  So, I seek a standard and I suppose that I'll be labeled as a fiscally conservative and a social liberal.  The actual truth is that I don't like labels--for me or anyone else.  Labels usually have just enough truth to be descriptive, but just enough falsehood to be misleading.

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