Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Different Christmas perspective

It is early Christmas morning in our home. My wife and brother will be up soon. Our son, daughter-in-law and a friend will arrive soon. This morning I'm grateful for a warm house with indoor plumbing. That wasn't true for a home I visited a couple of years ago in Russia. We had to wear our coats in that house. Ice formed on the inside of the windows. The only heat was a small stove in the corner of the main room. Water was brought inside from a well. The toilet was outside. Nevertheless, the extended family had gathered for a simple meal, singing and Christmas. There were no gifts but the house was full of laughter and joy. In a couple of hours we will have our Christmas breakfast. We will have a table full of biscuits, eggs, cinnamon rolls, grits, ham, orange juice, etc. There will be a lot of food for our family and friends. I recall not very many years ago visiting an African bush-Church where the presiding elder prayed for generosity. He hoped their church would have a few coins so that they could buy a chicken. He wanted their children to have meat in their Christmas soup. In spite of their poverty and hunger, that church was full of joyful and grateful people as they looked forward to Christmas. My Christmas perspective has changed.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that. You were different when you returned from Africa. MR
