Tuesday, April 24, 2018

One Tick at a Time

The story is told about a clock who went to see a Psychiatrist. The clock's concern was that it had such great responsibilities that they were causing great worry. The Psychiatrist asked for a further explanation. The clock said that it had to tick two ticks each second which meant 120 ticks per minute as well as 7,200 ticks per hour or 172,800 per day all of which meant 1,209,600 ticks each week. That amounted to 62,899,200 for a year. The clock thought that with all that responsibility, it was about ready for a nervous breakdown. The clock just couldn't see how it could keep up with the expectations and responsibilities. The Psychiatrist asked how many ticks the clock had to tick at a time? Only one was the reply. Like that clock we would probably do better if we worried about ticking one tick at a time.

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