Sunday, February 21, 2016

Napping and Contemplation

It has been known for a long time that sleep is a powerful medicine.  Research teaches us that when we don't get sufficient sleep, things begin to happen that aren't so healthy.  Sleep helps our brains to repair the "connections."  Another discipline that helps in this way is meditation and contemplation.  I define meditation as fixing one's attention on a subject for a period of time.  For example, It is a serious, attentive study time with the scriptures.  Meditation is an active attention as we pay attention to our thoughts and ideas.  Contemplation, however, is more of a passive attention.  It is sitting still and watching thoughts flow past my mind, but not picking them up and thinking about them.  John Climacus, an Egyptian monk of the 7th century, said that contemplation involves the discipline of not "entertaining thoughts" for a period of time.  The Spiritual Directors say that if an idea or thoughts is really serious enough, it will return.  Contemplation requires some trusting that God will return whatever ideas or thoughts I really need to give attention.  I like that idea that I don't have to invite in and entertain all of the thoughts that come through my mind.  I think contemplation is best done in a quiet and dark room.  I try it several times a week and it is a hard discipline to keep my mind still and quiet.  When thoughts come, as they will, I watch them as I might stand in a shallow river and watch the debris flow by.  I believe that contemplation is like a good night's sleep or a good nap, it is healing of the "connections" that happen in my mind and my world.  I hope you've had a good night's sleep, perhaps a nap as well as times of meditation as well as contemplation.

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