Friday, January 22, 2016

To Which Voice Am I Giving Attention?

There appears to be a bunch of different  voices who seem to have taken up a residence in my thoughts.  They even have a lot of influence for my decisions and behaviors.  For example, there is the "Critic" voice.  That voice is very negative.  It reminds me that almost nothing I do is really good enough.  It sees the glass as always half empty.  My critic voice can cause me to even wonder if there is anything in the glass or even, if I have the correct glass.  The critic voice must take delight in pointing out all of my attitudes, actions, words, etc. that are less than desirable.  That voice can also be very critical of others, even if they don't deserve it.  The critic seems to have a big voice and a "pointy finger."  There is also the "Worrier" voice who must have taken up a large space in my head.  The worrier is so skilled that it can discover almost anything about which to worry.  That voice can worry about things that have never happened, probably, won't ever happen and certainly aren't happening now.  It has the ability to even worry when things are going well.  However, just because things are going well doesn't keep that voice quiet in my head.  Worry seems to have a "whiny" voice.  Worry must carry around a large bag of "anxiety dust" because it can spread that dust everywhere.  There is also a voice in my mind that says, "Hush" or "Be quiet."  Sometimes, it tries to speak to the critic and the worry voices, but they usually don't pay any attention.  I wish my "Be Quiet," "Hush" or even "Shut up" voice had a more forceful aspect because it often gets ignored by the others.  I think my "Wise" voice is saying that we need to encourage my "Be Quiet" voice to be more forceful so the other voices will hush.

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