Saturday, April 13, 2013

Logs and specks in one's attitude

Two recent events have been on my mind lately.  In one of those events, I was a small part of a discussion of theology and beliefs with a group who, by most folks, would be labeled conservative evangelical Christians.  It was a lively discussion about some of the contemporary issues facing the church.  The other group would be labeled moderate or liberal by most folks.  They were discussing some of the same issues.  I know not to stereotype large groups by the actions of a smaller group.  Nevertheless, I came away from these two discussion groups with the awareness that I felt more comfortable with the conservative group.  I disagreed with their views on most of the contemporary issues with which they were discussing.  What I liked about them and their discussions was the respect they demonstrated with those who held differing opinions.  The more moderate or liberal group stated views with which I would personally agree.  However, they were disrespectful of those who might disagree with them.  The made fun of others, even calling some by name.  I felt very uncomfortable with this group's spirit.  In my opinion, their attitude was arrogant and disrespectful.  I'm aware that arrogance and disrespect can easily be an attitude for any of us.  I'm also aware that we may not be aware of such as attitude.  Jesus talked about having a log in one's eye that needs to be taken care of before an effort is made to remove a splinter in somebody else's eye (Matthew 7:1-5).

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