Saturday, April 21, 2012

Things Are Not Always As They Appear

I don't like the taste of beer. I never have and can't seem to develop that taste. However, I admit that I haven't tried too hard to develop the taste. A few days ago at the grocery store, I noticed a shelf of individual bottles of beer, most of which I had never seen before. I was curious. I looked them over. They were bottled with fascinating labels. Since they were new to me, I decided I get two different ones just to try. They looked so appealing. I bought them and took them home. Over the next several days, I opened each and tasted the contents. I didn't like the taste of either. They both tasted like beer and I don't like the taste of beer. So, down the sink they went. I spent a couple of dollars on something I knew I didn't like but they looked so appealing. I wish I didn't need to keep on learning a basic lesson about life--things are not always as they appear.

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