Saturday, May 14, 2011

Looks like racism to me

For the past several weeks a potential Presidential candidate has raised again the issue of President Obama’s birth. These folks are called “birthers.” They suspect that he is not a naturally born American citizen and, therefore, ineligible to be the President of these United States. This is an issue that continues to raise its ugly head repeatedly in many ways and in various places. I think this is racism. Yes, racism that still says every so subtly, “Go to the back of the bus and let us white folks sit up front.” If President Obama were a white person with a name like Smith or Jones, I doubt that this would ever have been an issue. Certainly, we have much more work to do regarding this issue of racial equality. Much of that work needs to be in our own hearts and behaviors as well as in the public arena. We didn’t eradicate racism with the legislation of the 1960s and 70s. It is still among us and it is primarily lodged in our hearts. It effects our relations with Afro-Americans, Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, Gypsies, etc. I hope that not only others but, also, myself, will continually search our hearts so that we see the image God in every person, regardless of their culture, language, etc. and not fall into the thinking that because we're white Americans that somehow makes us better than others.

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