Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why so angry?

Our present political culture is confusing and frustrating me. I don't like it. I don't understand all of the anger. I know that anger may arise from wanting something and not being able to get it. In our culture most of us have more than we need and that may be the issue. We have become a greedy people--wanting more than we need. I don't understand people who have plenty but don't want to share in order that others may have what they need. For example, I have wonderful health insurance. Therefore, why wouldn't I, especially as a Christian, be willing to share through taxes so that others could have health insurance. Good health care for everyone is a moral issue for me. It seems like some are saying that they want God to care for the poor and needy among us. Only they just don't want them to be cared for with their tax dollars or in their neighborhood. I also know that anger causes us to loose our perspective. Angry people idolize their supporters and demonize those who disagree with them. None of our leaders or potential leaders are perfect and none of them are evil. All of them have some wonderful ideas as well as some terrible ideas. They are human beings trying to do their best as they understand their task. Our best decisions come from honest and respectful dialogue. We've more than enough arrogance and arguing. We need some humility. I wish we could disagree without being so angry and disagreeable. I pray that God would help us stop thinking of those whose ideas are not just like mine as an enemy.

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