Saturday, June 24, 2023

Soul and Needs

Since reading many of the depth psychologists, I have been questioning whether my “needs” are a profitable guide. James Hollis (a depth psychologist whose writings I recommend) writes that we are summoned by the question, “What does the soul want of me? Notice that this transformation has little if anything to do with the ego’s comfort or control, or the approval of others.” (p. 162, What Matters Most). There is a basic truth that we need safety and security to develop relationships (“Thank you,” Maslow). However, we can become so preoccupied with safety and security that they imprison us. We are so anxious and fearful about risking our safety and security that we fail to respond to a larger life summoned by the soul. For example, I have had folks tell me that they would love to go to the Holy Land and see the Biblical places. When asked, “Why not go?”. Their response was that they might get sick. It is true they might become ill, but their anxious and fearful self, imprisoned and kept them from following the summons of their soul and traveling to the Biblical Lands. Our ‘needs’ are important, but they may not be as significant as we make them to be. If we are not insightful, our needs can become little gods.

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