Sunday, August 25, 2019

Forgiven or Pacified

There is a major difference between being forgiven and being pacified. To be pacified, it seems to me, is to find some means that removes my guilt and shame. It is like being tranquilized. Forgiveness, on the other hand, has to do with repentance. Repentance means that I've stopped the behavior or at least I'm making a serious effort. Forgiveness is also a process. My commitment to work toward forgiveness is a clear decision to be made at a specific time and, probably, will need to be made again and again. It will take some time and effort to change my attitudes, behavior, spirit, etc. It will also take a desire on my part to make the necessary changes and it will require some work in me by God's Spirit to stay the course of forgiveness. Forgiveness has to do with learning from my past behaviors so that they are not continually re-occurring. Forgiveness is difficult, but it leads to genuine peace. To be pacified is to find a small break in a storm. Forgiveness iinvolves getting out of the storm.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Crucifying ourselves

I recently saw this quote from Fulton Oursler, the author of The Greatest Story Ever Told. In a short sentence he says a lot of truth. "Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves -- regret for the past and fear of the future."

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How Much Is Enough?

I'm stunned with the news of the recent shootings in El Paso and Dayton. These shooting are coming too frequently and should not be coming at all. I think we need stronger mental health laws and resources. Too many of our mentally ill folks are among the homeless. We need stronger gun legislation. I do not believe that civilians need military type weapons. Military assault weapons are designed to kill a lot of people quickly. Let's have background checks before the purchase of any and all guns, no matter where they are purchased. I also think there is too much violence in movies, television and the Internet. Let's value peacemaking; not violence. I believe there is great racial prejudice among us. We are blind to our own prejudices. How much is enough before we do something? Whatever we are doing or not doing at the present time, isn't working.