Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Float With the Flow
Today was one of those days that happened as it was supposed to happen; none of which involved the plans I had made for the day. Peace and contentment involve going with the flow, trusting there is a power or elusive presence that is in control and my choice is to be willing to release control and float with the flow.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
It is I, Don't Be Afraid
My gospel reading for today was from John 6, “Walking on water.” The disciples had evidently gone by boat during the night to the other side of the sea. They experienced a storm and were frightened. What frightened them? Perhaps the storm although as fishmen surely, they had experienced storms on the sea. Perhaps it was a vision of a person who was standing or walking on the water amid the storm. I suspect it was both. My hopeful prayer is whenever we are caught in any type of storm, perhaps health, financial, marital, family, social, spiritual, etc. we will have spiritual eyes that see an elusive presence and spiritual ears that hear “It is I, do not be afraid.”
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Religion and Politics
As I read the gospels, it was the religious folks in corporation with the political folks who killed Jesus.
Those religious folks in the Bible were those who were absolutely convinced that they were the correct religion and others who were different were unacceptable unless they become converted to became like them. Those political folks in the Bible were those who listened to the population and did what they thought the population wanted. That gospel history sounds very much like our contemporary situation. Political leaders who are concerned about the numbers, such as polls, size of their crowds, etc. Religious and political leaders who will not listen to something that is different than what they already believe
Monday, August 12, 2024
There is a difference between my patience and God’s patience. My patience has a short fuse. I am willing to be patient if whatever I am waiting for does not last too long. Yes, “too long” implies that I decide what is or is not too long. God’s patience has a longer fuse. For example, in the story of Joseph, he was sold and imprisoned due to jealousy in the family. However, because of his ability to help the ruler see what the dreams might mean, he eventually became a type of prime minister. As prime minister he stored food so that the people could survive a famine. during which his family, including those brothers who abandoned him, came for help due to their famine. Note that this time lapse was more than 25 years. Joseph interpreted this in terms of God’s care or patience. God’s patience did not happen quickly. God does not think of time or patience as I do and that is a growing edge for me and probably many others.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Some of my Thoughts About Discernment
1. Discernment means that we wait for God’s plan(s) to be revealed. It is not a Biblical practice to make plans and then expect God to bless them because we are good people. (“Thanks,” Henry Blackaby).
2. “Obedience is not obedience until you disagree with God.” (“Thanks,” Katie Zettle of Seadbed.com 8-2-24).
3. ‘Indifference’ is the first step in discernment otherwise self or ego is usually leading the process which is not discernment [see #1]. (“Thanks,” St. Ignatius).
4. One of the most difficult phases of discernment is to “hold space” until the Spirit gives clear guidance. Active waiting in prayer, silence, scripture, etc. is a spiritual discipline/practice.
5. Discernment is not about choosing between good and evil because our minds and will, trained by spiritual practices and truths, can discern the difference. Discernment is about pleasing God. Charles Spurgeon said discernment is about choosing the good or the almost good.
6. Discernment is a gift from God. I cannot give myself spiritual discernment. Discernment requires relinquishing control.
7. The discipline of discernment is much like therapy as we ask, “Where is this thought, idea, plan, feeling, etc. coming from?” Discernment is “testing the spirits.” 1 John 4:1 – “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Many of those “false prophets” or ideas are not only in the world but, have also, gotten into our minds, thoughts, feelings, plans, etc.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Growth is Not Always Comfortable
I frequently read books by Dr. James Hollis, and I often recommend his books. His writing is not always an easy read, but it is worthwhile reading. In his book, Living Between Worlds, he lists some marks of mature spirituality. First, he mentions respecting the mystery of life and God. God is mystery. Be cautious of certainty. Doubt can be an invitation to growth or further study whereas certainty can be a reason to cease growing and accept only that which reinforces what we already think. Second, growth is obligatory. If life is not growing; it dies. Growth motivates us to go beyond and deeper than that which is comfortable. Growth involves a series of transitions, and transitions require our letting go of what has been, so we can see and enter what is new and ahead of us. We often resist growth and settle for comfort. Comfort is good but it also has the capability to imprison a person. When Jesus said “Follow me” growth was the goal, not comfort.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Moving is Stressful
During these past several weeks we have been moving the Counseling Center from our downtown location to a suburb location. This move is a good thing as it provides us with more room and handicapped accessibility. Moving is stressful. Hans Selye, a Hungarian Canadian physician, studied and wrote about stress. He described both eustress and distress. A eustress is the stress accumulated by a person during a good thing, such as planning for a birthday party. Eustress is beneficial stress, the prefix “eu” means good. We know about distress and when we use the concept of “stress” we usually mean distress. Both eustress and distress are stressful. They are primarily experienced by the body and may exhibit both physical symptoms and behaviors. This is the principle of ‘I think I am doing better than I am.’ Transitions, such as moving, are stressful endeavors. As a part of my adjusting to this move transition, I want to be aware of the stress, i.e., eustress as well as distress, which I am experiencing in my body as well as by my behaviors as I adjust and adapt to this move, which is a good thing, but which also has consequences of which I desire to be mindful.
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