Friday, January 17, 2014

Sometimes Help Is Necessary

We have a Case Conference monthly at the Counseling Center where I work.  Today, I talked about a difficult situation with which I was involved as the Counselor.  The answer was obvious except that I was so close to the situation that I wasn't able to see it.  My colleagues were very clear and helpful.  It is sometimes difficult for me to admit that I need assistance.  Yesterday my wife was flying to northwest Arkansas but due to mechanical problems with aircraft her flight was delayed then cancelled.  She spent the night in Atlanta.  We talked about the next morning, getting a new boarding pass, etc.  She arrived in Arkansas and was very grateful for me support.  Anyone can get involved in situations in which help is needed.  Asking for and accepting help is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of healthy self-esteem to ask for assistance.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Washing Machine Was Spinning Out Of Control

 Yesterday our washing machine began to make strange noises, acted differently and seem to be spinning out of control.  The washing machine may be a symbol that sometimes life seems to be spinning out of control. We've had four friends who have died in the past couple of weeks.  Two are part of my wife's extended family whom she grew up with in a small Oklahoma town.  I was the Pastor of the other two for more than 20 years.  All four were my age.  These deaths made me think about my own mortality.  Another friend from the church had a cancer diagnosis that caught all of us be surprise because he seemed to be in excellent health.  He had surgery and is doing well.  I try to take good care of myself and seem to be in good health.  Nevertheless, you never know what may happen.  Life can seem to spin out of control quickly and unexpectedly.  This is a reality check that reminds me again that I'm not in control as much as I think I would like to be in control.  My life really hasn't "spun out of control," even if there are moments that feel that way.  Even if life feels like it has spun out of control, but not out of God's presence.  The lesson seems to be to take care of what needs my attention, even if it isn't what I had planned.