Monday, June 27, 2022

Power as a Test of Character

If you have been reading my blogs, you will know that I am grieved with the Supreme Court’s recent decisions about gun control and abortion. I am also grieved that the Senate would not permit a hearing for a potential member of the Supreme Court nominated by President Obama. As a result, we now have three members of the Court appointed by a President who did not have the popular votes in his election. I am grieved, not only by the Court’s decision but, also, by the manipulation of the government’s process by powerful individuals who appear to value political party and power over the will of the people. National surveys, by reputable survey agencies, have indicated that a majority of the American people did not want to see Roe vs. Wade overturned and they favored significant control over the availability of guns, especially assault rifles. I keep thinking about Machiavellian principles in which those with power will do anything they can to keep their power. The news is reporting the discrepancy of two Justices who said one thing during their confirmation hearings and another when faced with the Roe vs. Wade decision. I am saddened and concerned. Google took me to the following quote from Abraham Lincoln, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

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