Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Awful Silence

Thomas Merton, when writing about war, nuclear arms, and violence in the 1960’s, was disturbed by the “awful silence and apathy on the part of Catholics, clergy, hierarchy, and lay people.” (Merton, Man of Dialogue. Hillis. Pg. 166). I am disturbed by the awful silence and apathy on the part of Christians, clergy, hierarchy, and lay people regarding the serious issues affecting our world. I refer to issues such as violence; gun control; environmental destruction; abortion, the disparity between the wealthy and poor, individuals as well as nations; lack of adequate and affordable access to health care; treatment of women; treatment of same sex individuals and couples and the list of issues continues as evidenced by the news headlines. We are in a dysfunctional system. The system is working well for many, but not so well for others. The one’s for whom it is working have the authority, power, and ability to stay separated and unconcerned to keep it working for them. This is Machiavellian politics, which is get power and then, do anything to stay in power. I do not think this is good politics; it is certainly not Christian. Christian means being a follower of Jesus. The question is an old question that we seem to have ceased asking, “What would Jesus do?” Jesus’ Kingdom of God is not a dysfunctional system. It functions for all, especially the least of those among us (Matthew 25). We talk about being Christians and having a Christian nation, but as I tell my therapy clients, “Read the behavior and you will learn the truth.”

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