Thursday, March 14, 2024

Christian Nationalism?

How did we permit the phrase “Christian Nationalism” to become stolen from us who know and love the Bible and become a political phrase? If by Christian Nationalism, we mean what Jesus said in Matthew 25 then I am a Christian Nationalist. I believe our nation’s priorities are to be welcoming the stranger who may be of another faith, skin color, language, culture, etc.; taking care of widows and orphans which surely involves universal health care; feeding all who are hungry; taking care of those who have been imprisoned so that they can be fully incorporated and welcomed back into society; making sure everyone has adequate and healthy water to drink which must involve taking care of the earth; seeing that everyone has adequate clothing especially in wintry weather. I did not make up this list of priorities. It is Jesus’ priorities and He said this is how the nations will be judged. I do not believe Biblical Christian Nationalism involves building walls to keep out the strangers, reducing food for the poor, building bigger prisons, shrinking income for the widows and orphans, or permitting a city’s drinking water to become foul. I think we need to let the Bible and Jesus speak for themselves and stop using them for our political and self-serving interests.

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