Thursday, October 26, 2023

Prayer is Relationship.

Prayer is about relationship, specifically our relationship with God, self, and others. Prayer begins with God. In God’s creation, we see demonstrated God’s loving desires for all of us, including the created world of earth, air, water, and animals. In prayer we return that gift with our love, gratitude, seeking to become what God has desired for ourselves, others and this created world. Prayer is seeking to be in the Divine relationship with our self, others, and the earth. Prayer is a relationship with God. It is the continuation of God’s desires done in lovingly gratitude. Prayer is becoming a vital part of God’s desires and fulfillment. Prayer is about all our relationships.

Monday, October 16, 2023


I drive past a large Church with an auditorium, gym, and educational space. Their services are well programed with music, lights, video, and a preacher. They even have a school for which families must pay. I wonder if this is what Jesus intended when he founded Church. I also drove past another Church with a small congregation. They also have an auditorium, programmed worship service and a preacher. They use much of their space to clothe, feed and house the poor. I wonder if this is what Jesus intended when he founded Church. I ocassionally drive past a plain looking house in which a small congregation gathers weekly to sit in silence and listen for God’s Spirit. Their sign says they welcome everyone, no exceptions. They recently had a table at the community’s gay pride festival. They do not have a preacher, although anyone can speak as he or she believes the Spirit leads. I wonder if this is what Jesus intended when he founded Church. The Church down the street meets in a beautiful older building that looks like a European building. They have a preacher who wears robes, and their congregation prays from a book. I wonder if this is what Jesus intended when he founded Church. We have many and varied ideas about Church. I wonder what Jesus thinks of all our efforts to be Church.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Israel and Palestine I share this news link with you in the hope you will read the article because (1) I care a lot about what happens in Israel and Palestine, not only because of my travels but, also, because of friends, Israelis, and Palestinians, who live in Israel and Jordan. (2) Mark Wingfield is an acquaintance from the time he was the editor of the Kentucky Western Recorder. He works hard to be a fair reporter and editor. I trust his reporting. (3) The headlines “there are no good guys” is accurate by my estimate. I have been to Israel several times. In the late 1970’s I went into a Palestinian refugee camp with Dr. Wayne Ward (now deceased) and visited a Southern Seminary graduate who was a Baptist pastor in Palestine. I will always remember the smell of the refugee camp where he and his family lived in a tent (much like the article’s picture) and tried to continue his ministry among the refugees. Hamas is not right in their attacks! Hamas is no representative of the Palestine government any more than the white nationalists are representatives of either Christianity or the USA government. Israel is not right in their decade’s long treatment of the Palestinian peoples! Christian churches and pastors are not right in their uniliteral support for Israel when they do not know the history! The USA is not right with their dealings in the so called “Holy Lands.” I pray for the peace of Jerusalem which is more than just a place. The word, Jerusalem, means a reality or peoples from which peace flows.

Monday, October 9, 2023

It Is All Gift

It is all a gracious gift; not what I deserve. I was graciously gifted with good physical health and a good mind. I was also gifted with an excellent family, wonderful extended family, and educational opportunities. Those incredible gifts were really gifts, not what I deserved or earned. When I see individuals in the consulting room, I am aware that what I share continues to be a gift that has been given to me. I am both honored and grateful to be able to share those gifts or whatever gifts I may have with others. When we use our time together, it is the gracious gift that flows among us as well as God. Such a wonderful vocation and opportunity is not what I have earned or deserved; it is God’s gracious gift. Thanks be to God.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

An Imperfect and Wonderful Cup

I was recently gifted a marvelous cup. It is a wonderful cup. Unfortunately, there is a mistake with the cup; a significant word is misspelled. However, the mistake doesn’t diminish its purpose. In fact, it is beautiful. I really like this cup because it reminds me that even if there is a mistake, the cup still functions exceedingly well as a cup. It holds my drink. It is a large cup, so it holds a lot of the drink. This cup reminds me that nothing and no one is perfect but that does not need to keep us from accomplishing our purpose. Too often we become focused on mistakes, which all of us make, and lose sight of the purposes of our lives. Thank you, Lord, for an imperfect and wonderful cup.