Saturday, May 27, 2023

Elections and Government

The Primary elections are over, and we are moving toward the General elections. I am already weary of campaigning. If I believed the ads, I would conclude that all the candidates are crooks and need to be jailed rather than elected. I do not believe most of the candidates’ ads either about themselves or their opponents. Those ads tell half-truths if not outright lies. I fear large amounts of money given to political campaigns. I believe that such large funds have “strings” and favors attached. I am suspicious of individuals who spend a million dollars to secure a job that pays one-hundred thousand dollars. This math smells bad. I want to add my small voice to the principle of separation of church and state. I do not believe that partisan politics and political parties have any place in the world of religion with its Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, etc. I do however believe that our religious leaders must speak about those things that concerned Jesus such as how we as Believers relate to those in poverty, those who lack sufficient food, how we incarcerate individuals, the sick, those who lack inadequate housing, how we relate to other nations and ideologies, etc. Democracy is one way of government and if left in the hands of the people is effective but if taken over by the rich and powerful it is dangerous and ineffective. I believe in government of the people, by the people and for the people.

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