Friday, September 2, 2022

Why Won't Jesus Entrust Himself To Us?

In John’s gospel, Jesus’ first “miracle” was turning water into wine so the wedding celebration could continue. The second reported incident was cleansing the Temple of the money changers and sellers of animals. The money changers and animal sellers were doing the Temple a service by providing money that did not have the Roman emperor on the face, i.e., no graven images, and animals for the sacrificial requirements. Although John’s gospel reports that many believed in him, John’s gospel also says that Jesus would not entrust himself to them, (John 2:24, NRSV). John’s gospel reports that Jesus went from a joyous, wine drinking, party to chasing out the merchandise sellers at the Temple. A stark contrast in Jesus’ behavior. We have always had a challenging time figuring out exactly who Jesus was/is. So, what would Jesus be doing today? Would he be partying Saturday evening and then disrupting our Church services on Sunday morning? Kind of sounds like it, according to John’s gospel. Why would Jesus not “entrust” himself to us? Jesus knew that our beliefs, and even our worship practices, could be more about us and our preferences or likes and dislikes then about Jesus. There is always the temptation to make Jesus into who we want Him to be rather than accepting Him as He reveals Himself and then, following Him as He is in the Gospels. A Jesus follower or just a believer?

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