Monday, August 12, 2024


There is a difference between my patience and God’s patience. My patience has a short fuse. I am willing to be patient if whatever I am waiting for does not last too long. Yes, “too long” implies that I decide what is or is not too long. God’s patience has a longer fuse. For example, in the story of Joseph, he was sold and imprisoned due to jealousy in the family. However, because of his ability to help the ruler see what the dreams might mean, he eventually became a type of prime minister. As prime minister he stored food so that the people could survive a famine. during which his family, including those brothers who abandoned him, came for help due to their famine. Note that this time lapse was more than 25 years. Joseph interpreted this in terms of God’s care or patience. God’s patience did not happen quickly. God does not think of time or patience as I do and that is a growing edge for me and probably many others.

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