Thursday, August 1, 2024

Growth is Not Always Comfortable

I frequently read books by Dr. James Hollis, and I often recommend his books. His writing is not always an easy read, but it is worthwhile reading. In his book, Living Between Worlds, he lists some marks of mature spirituality. First, he mentions respecting the mystery of life and God. God is mystery. Be cautious of certainty. Doubt can be an invitation to growth or further study whereas certainty can be a reason to cease growing and accept only that which reinforces what we already think. Second, growth is obligatory. If life is not growing; it dies. Growth motivates us to go beyond and deeper than that which is comfortable. Growth involves a series of transitions, and transitions require our letting go of what has been, so we can see and enter what is new and ahead of us. We often resist growth and settle for comfort. Comfort is good but it also has the capability to imprison a person. When Jesus said “Follow me” growth was the goal, not comfort.

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