Friday, June 28, 2024

Are These the Best That Can Be Offered?

I did not listen to the Presidential Candidates debate last evening. I suppose this means that I need not be making judgements but, nevertheless, here is my opinion.The morning news reports that Biden did not do well. I did not think the “debate” would really be a debate but an argument, like school kids arguing on the playground. My concern is "Are these two candidates the best the two political parties have to offer the USA?" Surely there are more capable and moral individuals who can offer leadership for our country. Lord, in Your mercy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick, Andy and I have discussed this numerous times. Are these the best candidates to vie for the job? If so, I believe we are in deep trouble. It is my belief that people will stay home and not vote, or that they will vote , in their opinion, for the lesser. of the two evils. This is not a way to run a presidential election in the United States! The direction we are headed truly saddens me.
