Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Securely Attached

Attachment styles provide good insight into our relationships such as marital, business, parenting, friends, etc. The attachment styles are four: secure, insecure with anxiety, insecure with avoidance and insecure with disorganized (“Thanks” Bowlby and Curt Thompson). I was a planned, expected, and wanted infant. I grew up surrounded by love. My aunts have told me they argued about who would babysit me. My grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins lived in the neighborhood and the entire family as well as most of our neighbors went to the same church. In my childhood, I was surrounded by family and friends. I grew up securely attached. This is an amazing gift which I did not earn by any behavior or attitude of mine. It was a gift for which I am grateful to my immediate and extended family, friends, and neighbors. I am also grateful daily for God’s abundant love because in God’s love we have all been given the gift of being securely attached.

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