Sunday, September 20, 2020

You can’t pour from an empty cup

You can’t pour from an empty cup. I like this phrase and it is a good explanation for my continual reading. I graduated Seminary in 1968 and, again in 1977. Much of what I learned in Seminary is now out-of-date. So, it is crucial that I keep up in my fields of psychology and spirituality if I am going to continue working as a therapist and spiritual director. So, I read, especially in my two primary fields. I read journals as well as books. My issue is that it is time in my life to begin to downsize and my largest issue are all of my books. Several years ago, I was given a Kindle. It is great. I can continue to give away some of my books and still purchase books on my Kindle. Kindle books don’t require shelf space and I can continue to fill my cup of information and knowledge.

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