Sunday, August 16, 2020

Grandma's Funeral and The Church Vote

If it is true that Solomon wrote or dictated the book of Proverbs, he must have been greatly distracted probably by his 300 wives and 700 concubines because the Book of Proverbs is poorly organized. The Proverbs seem to be randomly placed in the book. My Grandma’s favorite verse in the Bible was Proverbs 3: 5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths.” (KJV) Yes, since it was Grandma’s favorite, she would be upset if I were not quoting from the King James Version, Schofield preferred. I still have her Bible. I have wonderful memories of her with one leg tucked under her thigh and dress pulled down to her ankles sitting in that old green rocking chair and reading her Bible every evening before bedtime. She was a member of the Nazarene Church. She was faithful in Church attendance and reading her Bible. I believe she took Proverbs 3: 5-6 to heart and practiced it every day. However, she along with Grandpa, were Churched. Churched means that they were ‘voted out of the Church membership’ by the congregation. They sold chewing tobacco in their small neighborhood grocery store in the ‘30s. The Church said they could not do that. Grandma’s Bible did not say they could not sell tobacco; Grandpa thought it wasn’t any business of the Church, so they sold tobacco and they got Churched. The interesting thing is that they kept going to Church even though they could not hold a Church office, sing in the choir, teach Sunday School and Grandpa was not permitted to pass the offering plates. They said they were not much interested in doing those things anyway. When Grandma died, her funeral was held in the Nazarene Church and it was full. The Preacher talk a lot about what a fine Church member Grandma was. I asked my Dad if the Preacher knew that Grandma was Churched by this very Church. Dad said, “I don’t think so, but let’s not say anything to him until we all finished at the cemetery.” So, we did not, and she got her Church funeral. I think the Church’s vote did not mean much to the Lord as He seems to have been still been directing everything.

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