Sunday, February 3, 2019

My Old Paper and Pencil Calendar

A friend recently asked if I would share with him my class calendar. He is also a Professor in the school where I teach. My friend is a tech wizard. He knows and can do more with a computer, I-Pad, phone, etc. than I could even imagine. I told him that I would be more than happy to let him see my At-A Glance calendar which reveals my entire week's appointments and responsibilities at a quick look. That's not what my friend had in mind. Perhaps someday I'll keep appointments in my phone, computer, etc. Maybe I haven't make the switch because of my age--I'm elderly. Us old folks don't like to change or so I'm told. Perhaps I continue to refuse to make the transition because I'm a rebel. I was about the last person to have a cell phone and, then, my wife and son purchased the cell phone as a Father's Day gift. I was quiet content to use it simply as a phone. I really didn't need, and still don't need, a small computer in my pocket. I had a supervisor describe me as a rebel or one who didn't always like to be in step with everyone else. Whatever the reason for not keeping a computer-type calendar, I'm very content with my paper and pencil calendar. Contentment--maybe that's the reason.

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