Sunday, March 19, 2023

Religion is to "bind back"

The word “religion” (from the Latin “ligare”) which means “to bind back” or to become whole. Religion is the means whereby we are being bound back to our original intent which is to love God, others, and ourselves, i.e., Jesus’ Great Commandment. At least this Great Commandment was what the early desert monks believed to be the definition of a mature faith or being perfect. Unfortunately, when we think of religion today what comes to mind for many of us is: buildings, Churches, denominations, clergy, money, doctrine/dogma, Sundays, songs, etc. There is some truth to that as religion frequently involves those activities and things. However, religion is about love and not merely the feeling or sentiment of love, but the commitment to genuinely care about God, others, and self. I fear many churches and denominations have also become lost with a preoccupation with buildings, programs, doctrines, dogmas, rules, ethics, etc. It seems that all of us, individuals as well as institutionalized religion, need to be bound back to our Divine purpose in creation. “Lord, bind us back to Your desires for us.”

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