Saturday, February 6, 2021

Right To Life, cont'd

I am also a right-to-life believer when I think of the environment. We are killing ourselves and each other when we ignore the destruction of the environment which holds life in a delicate balance created by God. We must respect that delicate balance and not destroy the environment for the gain of cheaper oil/gas and lumber so that greater profits can be made for the large companies and our stock market portfolio and/or so that we can drive very large, gas-guzzling automobiles and live-in larger houses. I am a right-to-life believer in that I do not support the death penalty. The government does not have the right to take a life any more than to think a government can create a life. I am a right-to-life believer as I believe every person needs a salary from honest work that permits them to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which includes adequate food, clothing, and shelter. When large companies pay millions to their leaders who then say the company can only pay $11 per hour for those who help make them their millions, something is wrong and, I believe it is at right-to-life issue. My desire is that we are consistent when we use the phrase “right-to-life” and not make it a bumper sticker for only one issue, however important that one issue may be.

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