Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The more I read and learn what the Buddha taught his followers, the more I believe that he was full of the Holy Spirit. So, I read and desire to learn from the Buddha/Buddhism because I do not want to turn away from teachings of the Holy Spirit. I question my friends who say that the Buddha was not a “Christian” to which I reply, “Well, of course not. The Buddha lived 500 to 600 years before the time of Christ”. I also wonder when they say they do not want to be influenced by Buddhism as they are on their way to a yogi class or talk about practicing mindfulness. I believe there is more to God than we think or believe. A quote from the Buddha as reported by Mark Nepo in his wonderful book, FALLING DOWN AND GETTING UP. “Act always as if the future of the universe depends on what you do, while laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any difference.” (p. 137)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What is the cost of not changing?

I frequently see individuals, in my therapy practice, who are stuck. That person may might stuck in a relationship, job, behavioral patterns, attitude, etc. They continually choose not to risk a move such as changing their thinking, seeing new possibilities, leaving a relationship or a job. They resist the arduous task of self-discipline that begins to alter a behavior, relationship, job expectations, the way a business or Church operates, etc. Too often, at least in my thinking, the individual cannot imagine other possibilities, or they deny and/or avoid them, so they continue to stay stuck in the issues that are causing the problems. When they come to see me, I usually hear the same continual complaints. I frequently ask them the question, “What is it costing you not to change?” They are often puzzled by my question because they have never considered the costs of not changing. What does it cost to stay stuck? Change has a cost but, also, not to change has a cost.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Questions Will Guide You

A book of immense wisdom is Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet. He writes, “Have patience with everything unresolved and try to love the questions themselves.” It is the questions which will guide you on your journey. If you already have the answer(s), you will not notice or heed the guide or Spirit because, for you with the answers, you think your journey is finished.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Float With the Flow

Today was one of those days that happened as it was supposed to happen; none of which involved the plans I had made for the day. Peace and contentment involve going with the flow, trusting there is a power or elusive presence that is in control and my choice is to be willing to release control and float with the flow.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

It is I, Don't Be Afraid

My gospel reading for today was from John 6, “Walking on water.” The disciples had evidently gone by boat during the night to the other side of the sea. They experienced a storm and were frightened. What frightened them? Perhaps the storm although as fishmen surely, they had experienced storms on the sea. Perhaps it was a vision of a person who was standing or walking on the water amid the storm. I suspect it was both. My hopeful prayer is whenever we are caught in any type of storm, perhaps health, financial, marital, family, social, spiritual, etc. we will have spiritual eyes that see an elusive presence and spiritual ears that hear “It is I, do not be afraid.”

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Religion and Politics

As I read the gospels, it was the religious folks in corporation with the political folks who killed Jesus. Those religious folks in the Bible were those who were absolutely convinced that they were the correct religion and others who were different were unacceptable unless they become converted to became like them. Those political folks in the Bible were those who listened to the population and did what they thought the population wanted. That gospel history sounds very much like our contemporary situation. Political leaders who are concerned about the numbers, such as polls, size of their crowds, etc. Religious and political leaders who will not listen to something that is different than what they already believe

Monday, August 12, 2024


There is a difference between my patience and God’s patience. My patience has a short fuse. I am willing to be patient if whatever I am waiting for does not last too long. Yes, “too long” implies that I decide what is or is not too long. God’s patience has a longer fuse. For example, in the story of Joseph, he was sold and imprisoned due to jealousy in the family. However, because of his ability to help the ruler see what the dreams might mean, he eventually became a type of prime minister. As prime minister he stored food so that the people could survive a famine. during which his family, including those brothers who abandoned him, came for help due to their famine. Note that this time lapse was more than 25 years. Joseph interpreted this in terms of God’s care or patience. God’s patience did not happen quickly. God does not think of time or patience as I do and that is a growing edge for me and probably many others.